Two bowls of strawberries and a vase with margaritas.

It has been an exciting and different spring. Many events that were cancelled during the pandemic could take place in the past few months. In many ways, we have experienced the University afresh as we have made the transition back from online to in-person. It has been fun and intense.

We in the management team have sensed a pent-up need to meet so we have tried to accept as many invitations as possible and endeavoured to be available and present. This has also made the spring fun and intense – mostly fun. 

Everywhere we go, we have met ambitious, committed, visionary staff and students who have big, exciting plans for the University we share. Balancing all these creative ideas is perhaps the most important and most difficult of our major tasks. Which way should we choose for the future? We have received a great deal of help along the way from many knowledgeable colleagues. That gives us a sense of security and a good feeling.

It is a privilege to be Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University. Every day brings surprises and insights. In a University as large as ours, there is so much to discover and get involved in. We keep a close eye on developments and every day gives us cause for pride. Our ambition is, and has been, to meet and talk as widely as possible. We hope we will have time to meet many more of you who are reading this letter during the autumn.

Until then we wish you a wonderful summer of rest and harmony.

Vice-Chancellor Anders Hagfeldt and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Coco Norén